On Saturday 21st January, Bob Daniels, Committee Chairman of the Black Down and Hindhead Supporters addressed the group who had assembled in Haslemere’s Raymond Reid Photo, long-term sponsors of the annual photo competition. Brian Simmons presented the prizes (vouchers and framed photos) to Clare Bent, winner of the adult category and Louisa Vassallo, winner of the juniors.
At just ten years old, Louisa had composed a tranquil scene of reflections in one of Black Down’s beautiful wildlife ponds.
Clare Bent skillfully captured a highland cow standing majestic in the Punchbowl just as the sun set behind the ridge, flooding the sky with red and orange. The dramatic image captures the essence of many of the National Trust’s magnificent nature reserves in the Haslemere area. It was one of many photographs submitted to the competition last year, giving the judges a challenging job selecting the four very best.
Dr Clinton Blackman, Chairman of Haslemere Camera Club (www.haslemerecameraclub.com), led the judging panel and his comments below on the winning photos provide the reasoning behind their selection.

FIRST PRIZE: Highland cow in a Punchbowl sunset – Clare Bent
A simple but very effective composition whose moving elements (the sun and the highland cow) were probably only in this configuration for a brief period of time, so well done to the photographer for capturing them. The image is in focus throughout and the exposure has retained detail in the highlights as well as the dark foliage of the valley. An unmistakeable location – maintained for us by the National Trust.

SECOND PRIZE: Pony on a Punchbowl path – James Traynor
This is a very strong picture with the main subject in a good position against a sympathetic background and with no distracting elements. As a bonus the pony appears to be engaging with the photographer. A good advertisement for walks in the Punchbowl.

THIRD PRIZE: Pied flycatcher in the Punchbowl – Eddie Stubbs
The Pied Flycatcher passes though the south of England on its migration routes, so the photographer should be congratulated for seeing a rare visitor and for getting close enough to take such a high quality photograph. It is perfectly sharp, correctly exposed and with the all-important catchlight in the bird’s eye.

Reflections on a Black Down pond – Louisa Vassallo Age 10
An excellent picture that would have also done very well in the adult section. The sweeping arc of the pond bank provides a natural lead-in to the varied and interesting trees and their reflections, all capped off by an exciting summer sky.
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