Early June guided bird walk over Black DownPosted On: 06/06/2023

Paul Matson met an enthusiastic group of Black Down and Hindhead Supporters in the lower car park at Black Down on a bright and sunny June morning, with a brisk north easterly keeping the temperature down.  Even before leaving the car park the group had heard the songs of firecrest, blackcap, wren, blackbird and robin. […]

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Spring 2023 NewsletterPosted On: 24/05/2023

I am very pleased that Hilary McGrady, Chair & Director General of the National Trust has agreed to give the annual “Educate & Inspire” talk at our AGM on Monday 12 June. Entry free to members and £5 for visitors. After considerable effort our new website is now live. I would particularly like to thank […]

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2022 Photo Competition WinnersPosted On: 22/01/2023

On Saturday 21st January, Bob Daniels, Committee Chairman of the Black Down and Hindhead Supporters addressed the group who had assembled in Haslemere’s Raymond Reid Photo, long-term sponsors of the annual photo competition.  Brian Simmons presented the prizes (vouchers and framed photos) to Clare Bent, winner of the adult category and Louisa Vassallo, winner of […]

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